+ 1(312) 434-1431 / +52 (449) 195-8102 info@mosaico.media

Mosaico in Top 10 Marketing Agency List

Written By Carmen Garcia

Clutch Hails Mosaico Marketing as one of the Best Media Planning and Buying Companies in Tampa

The Mosaico Marketing team is very happy to announce that we’ve been recently named as one of the best media planning and buying companies in all of Tampa. We are honored to be part of this incredible list! This is truly a huge accomplishment for us and we are delighted to share this amazing milestone with all of you.

We would like to extend our gratitude to Clutch and their team for making this award possible. To be included in the list of top companies in Clutch this 2022 is still surreal! There are tons of amazing companies on their platform and to be recognized as one of their top B2B providers is a huge testament to the kind of services we offer.

For those of you who don’t know, Clutch is an established platform in the heart of Washington, DC, committed to helping small, mid-market, and enterprise businesses identify and connect with the service providers they need to achieve their goals.

Of course, we wouldn’t be here without our clients! Thank you so much for supporting our business and for believing in our team.

Here is our Executive Director, Carmen Garcia Davila, to talk more about this amazing award:

“We are super excited about growing with our clients, and as a company that values personalization and customer service, we are extremely happy to find an ally in Clutch to help us reach and serve new clients.” 

Are you ready to grow your business? Let’s do it together! Schedule an appointment with us today.

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